Sunday, December 2, 2012

W33k 12: It really doesn't feel like 12 weeks

W33k 12

I sit writing with my note book  next to me and i;m still trying to grasp how we've all been a aprt of ChemT3am for 12 WEEKS! 12!!!  I have no sense of rtime, os it still feels like school started just last week.

This week in Chem Team was a bit....  fast paced. I felt like all the information thrown at us a bit too quickly, especially the concept of specific heat (although it was about the only thing we actually worked on, ) I was a bit lost when Mr. Picar handed out the worksheets, even though we had discussed what specific heat was the day before. Nobody wanted to work on wednesday and i kinda felt the lack of motivation getting to me.

Moday had been a long, almost heated, discussion of how heat is NOT!  energy and that energy can  be transfered like  music files.  The analogy  confused me forthe most part,  but i  understood it.

Tuesday was where you actually taught us the meaning of  specific heat which is how many joules of energy would it take to raise 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree celcius.concspt seemed a little crazy ( What are we gonna use this for??) but i got the basics down.

Wednesday was where i felt  like i was drowning in science formulas that made no sense to me,  the answers i kept on getting i kept being  very far off from the correct answer, which made me quite fustrated, i hate equations, i usually forget order of operations, which was what had happened.

By friday i felt confident enough to use my skill of applying specific heat. Lets hope i did good on the mini assesment we took on fiday.