Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 20 Reflection: Week of the Mole!

Happy sunday! It's ChemTeam  Reflection Time! Instead of  my normal blogging format ( which i learned is not a good grade on the new grading scale) I wanna focus on the principal we focusedo n the last wekk before break : The Mole!. I'm not  talkign about the creatures that dig in the ground i mean the magical number that  is alo called Avagadro's Number ( for the scientist who kickstarted reasearch that later lead to the discovery of the mole) is  6.022 times  10 to the 23rd power! This number is a specific number of particles so 1 mole of ANY Substance has 6.022 times  10  to the 23rd power  particles within it. In class we calculated that there arent even 1 mole of living cells on earth! And also  there  has not even been one mole of rice produced yet!And if there was 1 mole of sand on earth, every inch of the surface would have 75 meters of sand on top of it! Molar mass is how many moles are  within a certain weight of a substance expressed by the formula: G/ 1MOL.

Having been so highly interested in this new concept, I went hope and told my parents the more interesting facts i learned about it, as they already knew what a mole was. In fact my mom said they had T-shirts from their chemisty class in high school that had Moles on them, the furry ones but it was a paly on words! I did find a picture of my father in his Mole shirt but unfortunately  My uncle  had decided to wear scary short 80's shorts in the picture so it is unfit for the internet! I wanted to understand Moles further so i went onto the internet and found a video i found quite helpful, basically summing up out lesson on friday!

In the Video  the speaker explains that the  number of Atoms of 1 mole of ANY Element has 6.022 time 10 to the 23rd atoms. Another interesting point the speaker made  was that if you have1 mole of NaCl the Molar weight  is the molar weight of Na and the weight of Cl  TOGETHER! I thought that was really helpful and interesting! I'm really excited to use moles in chemistry now!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 19 ( attempt number two)

 The blogger app ate my first draft of this post!  I hate technology sometimes, I'd rather be a ludite, honestly, but alas I was born in a time where i grew up with computers, i didn't see them  come into being.

Week 19

Happy Sunday!

Unfortunately we had no school on fiday due to imcliment weather ( YAY!) and so it is acceptable to assume we have an assesment monday. ( Not as excited about this part.)

This past week we started applying Dalton's theory of diatomic molecules and finding out which elements were diatomic ( such as Hydrogen and Chloride) and  which were not. The theory is useful in figuring out chemical equations if you know which molecules contain two atoms instead of one. We conducted an experiments this week  to prove if Cloride is a diatomic element and we mixed hydrocloric acid with zinc in a flask, and as a result clollected some combustable gas and water vapor. The oxygen in the air reacted with the hydrogen in the air creating water vapor and the other byproduct of this chemical reaction was zinc oxide.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


11:25 pm

Finally back into the daily grind and it feels.. refreshing? For the most part. I'm chemistry I feel we are finally shifting from simple basic ( and fundemental) principles to my complex theories and really getting into chemistry. I honestly believed that some idea we learned in first semester wouldmt actually apply to the chemistry I was hopine we would get to do but this week really showed just how the baclinga chemistry nd how they support it.

We assessed for the first time in over two weeks on Friday and I felt quite confident, even with the question pertaining to Daltons theories upon constant molecular ratios within a substance or compound.

I an quite excited for this new semester. I know I am going to rock at chemistry! Not that I. Didn't before but still!