Monday, October 22, 2012

W33k 6 ( Wow. cannot believe its been 6 weeks)

W33k 6 Reflection

ChemT3am has reached a milestone. We have completeted chapter one and have moved onto chapter two. I consider it a milestone for everybody and it should be applauded at least because this is validation that we can survive chemistry! ( not that we can't survive :)

We didn't actually start unit two untill later in the week but i think we needed a little transition from one chapter to the next. We started with how particles move in objects and through the air, one of the examples we had was a block of dry ice letting off gas... wait what? how is that possible? because it is made of frozen CO2 and it gets so cold ( cold enough to freeze the water in your hand if you hold it with your hand) that it goes straight from a solid to a gas, skipping the liquid state, or sublimation.The other example we had that day was a bag of popcorn and we raised our hand when we smelled the poporn even though mr abud stayed at the back of the room. The particles moved through the air, but how could we show this in our particle diagrams? We all decided to use arrows to show movement in particles, long arrows for lots of movement, little arrows for less movement.

Another thing we learned this week was how particles in each state of matter ( solid, liquid, or gas)
and that particles are always moving! So its possible, if all the partilces line up right, one could walk through a wall, theroretically, yay science! Another new vocab word we learned was fluidity, or having the tendancy to flow. This can be applied to both a gas and a liquid but not a solid, as solids do not flow, they stay compact and together.

Our first unit 2 assesment is friday, its supposedly 3 hours long, oh boy. wish me luck, im gonna need it.

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